The IEEE Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) is an annual international event organized by the IEEE RS/EPS/EDS Singapore Chapter and co-sponsored by the IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (EPS). Since its inauguration in 1997, EPTC has been established as a highly reputable international electronics packaging conference and is the IEEE EPS flagship conference in the Asia and Pacific Region. 

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Due to many requests, the deadline for abstracts submission has been extended to 24 Jun 2024. There will be no further extensions. EPTC 2024 will be held in Singapore on 3-6 December 2024. Please find the Call for Papers available here. Submission for abstracts is now open. Please use the Abstracts Template available hereMore information on student travel grants and affiliate memberships can be found under the "Others" tab on this website. 

General Information

Online abstract submission start March 31, 2024

Closing of abstract submission June 24, 2024

Notification of acceptance July 22, 2024

Full Manuscript Submission Sept 15, 2024

EPTC 2023 video click: here

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